• Success Does Not Exist

    What do you think of
    when you think of success?
    A trophy, award, or achievement?
    A specific number of followers?
    A certain amount of money?
    A house full luxury goods?

    While there’s nothing “wrong” with these things,
    a dozen championships won’t increase your tranquility,
    a thousand admirers won’t bring you peace,
    a million dollars won’t make you happy.

    Craving an outcome anchors you to a future that does not exist,
    and drags you from the peace of the present moment.

    If you always need more—
    more cash, more clout, more commendations—
    then you’ll never have enough,
    and you’ll continue to yearn.
    Yearning leads only to misery.
    And misery isn’t success—it’s failure.

    What about winning?
    Isn’t that the definition of success?

    To take home a trophy is to take home a relic that points to the past,
    another attachment that wrests you from the present moment.

    Winning isn’t innately good or bad.
    But the compulsion to win—
    to compete, to be number one—
    is a prison.

    Imagine you’re trapped in a spacious jail cell
    surrounded by trophies.
    Does that sound like success?

    If you win the game but lose equanimity,
    what have you won?
    You’ve lost everything.

    But what about raising well-rounded children?
    Or establishing better habits?
    Or donating to charity?
    Surely, these are the endeavors of a successful person!

    You’re free to do any of these things,
    to create and consume and contribute with abandon.
    But as soon as you attach happiness to an outcome,
    you place yourself back behind bars,
    because you’re living in the future again.

    Running after a result isn’t success—it’s chasing.
    Chasing the past or the future.
    Success is always bound to chasing.
    Chasing is attachment.
    Attachment is suffering.
    Suffering is failure.

    Do the math.
    If A equals B,
    and B equals C,
    then success equals failure.

    This may be hard for you to grasp.
    Because you’ve been sold a meme your entire life.
    You’ve been told that success equals happiness.
    That you’re just one accomplishment away from happy.

    But you weren’t given the truth:
    happiness is your default state.
    It appears when you stop chasing.

    Happiness needn’t be pursued to be reached.
    The pursuit of happiness is just another form of chasing.
    It is only when you drop the pursuit that you realize happiness.

    Influence, wealth, and status are all hapless hunts.
    Getting more does not make you successful.
    Striving for more makes you excessful.
    Excess is accompanied by restlessness, pain, and misery.

    So travel the path toward success if you want.
    Simply know that path diverges from peace.
    Peace is found only in the present,
    through awareness and letting go.

    That’s not to say that you “should” let go.
    Or that you should be happy.
    Or that you should not fail.
    There is no should.

    But if you want peace,
    it is not found on the horizon,
    or in the rearview mirror.

  • Novo no minimalismo? Comece aqui

    New to minimalism? New to our website? Welcome aboard! Where do we even begin? Well, you’re about to experience a lot of less, and you certainly don’t have to contend with it all at once. Simply start below, find topics that pique your interest, and take your time. Nothing wrong with moving slowly.

    Start Here: Read, Listen, Watch, Connect

    Free Essays. Subscribe to this website via email to receive free essays about minimalism from Joshua, Ryan, and T.K.. We never send spam, junk, or advertisements (gross!). We want to add value to your life, so subscribe only if you find value here. Unsubscribe anytime.

    Listen to Less. Each week, we discuss living a meaningful life with less on The Minimalists Podcast, which is one of Apple Podcasts top 100 shows.

    Films. Watch our Netflix documentaries, Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things and the Emmy-nominated The Minimalists: Less Is Now, both directed by Matt D’Avella.

    Meet The Minimalists on Tour. We’ve spoken about minimalism in more than 200 cities in eight countries. Check our tour page to see where we’ll be next.

    Connect via Social Media. Follow us on your preferred social network: FacebookTikTokInstagram, and YouTube. We share a lot of insightful and funny things we don’t say here.

    Bestselling Book. What if everything you ever wanted isn’t what you actually want? Everything That Remains is the touching, surprising story of what happened when Joshua Fields Millburn decided to let go of everything and begin living more deliberately. Heartrending, uplifting, and deeply personal, this engrossing book is peppered with insightful (and often hilarious) interruptions by Ryan Nicodemus, Joshua’s best friend of 20 years.

  • Cultivating Stokedness

    How many days do you wake up excited for life, stoked to be alive and take on the day’s challenges?

    If your answer is “often,” then congratulations! That’s an amazing way to live life — but you’re in the minority.

    Most people are unenthusiastic about their lives, not looking forward to what the day has in store. That’s not a bad thing — if that’s how you’re feeling, it’s just how you’re feeling. There isn’t a “right” way to be.

    That said, if you’d like to be more stoked about life, then there are ways to cultivate that. We’ll explore some of those ways in this post.

    Living a Life of Stokedness

    What would it be like if you felt more excited by life each day? Or by what you were taking on at work, in your relationships, in your workouts?

    Life is incredible, and we are immensely privileged to be alive in this miraculous world. We don’t always appreciate it — and that’s OK, to not always be grateful or excited — but there is the possibility of feeling more awe and wonder in our days.

    Let’s say you wake up and you have a bunch of work to do (in addition to other things going on in your life). You could feel a sense of burden, overwhelm, and anxiety about all of it … or you could feel really excited by the meaningful things you’re taking on. It’s not that one approach is right and the other is wrong, but they are entirely different approaches and experiences. We have a choice.

    What if you took on each thing with a sense of wonder, and an open heart? What if each act of your day were an expression of your love?

  • Você usa adblock e seu YouTube está lento?

    In the era of online content consumption, YouTube has become a go-to platform for millions of users worldwide. However, lately, many users have been experiencing sluggish performance on the platform. Surprisingly, the culprit behind this issue might be your adblocker. In this post, we’ll explore the problem YouTube is facing with adblockers and provide a solution that not only maintains an ad-free experience but also ensures smooth performance.

    The YouTube-AdBlock Conundrum: YouTube relies heavily on ads for revenue, and the platform has implemented measures to ensure that users view a fair share of advertisements. Adblockers, designed to enhance user experience by eliminating ads, have inadvertently become a thorn in the side of YouTube’s performance. The clash between the platform’s attempts to serve ads and adblockers trying to block them can lead to slow loading times, buffering, and an overall subpar user experience.

    The Performance Impact: Adblockers disrupt the delicate balance that YouTube strives to maintain between content delivery and ad presentation. As users attempt to skip or block ads, YouTube’s algorithms may struggle to load content seamlessly, resulting in slower video playback and frustrating interruptions. This performance dip can be particularly noticeable on slower internet connections or less powerful devices.

    The Solution: uBlock Origin Fortunately, there is a solution that addresses both the desire for an ad-free experience and the need for optimal YouTube performance. Enter uBlock Origin, a browser extension that effectively blocks ads without compromising the overall performance of the platform. Unlike some other adblockers, uBlock Origin is designed to be resource-efficient, ensuring that your YouTube experience remains smooth and uninterrupted.

    Why uBlock Origin?

    1. Efficiency: uBlock Origin is known for its low resource usage, preventing the performance hiccups associated with other adblockers.
    2. Customization: Users can tailor their ad-blocking preferences, allowing for a personalized and streamlined experience.
    3. Open Source: As an open-source project, uBlock Origin benefits from a community-driven approach to development, ensuring continuous updates and improvements.

    Conclusion: If you’ve been experiencing slow YouTube performance and are hesitant to disable your adblocker, consider making the switch to uBlock Origin. This alternative strikes a balance between maintaining an ad-free environment and preserving the smooth functionality of YouTube. Enjoy your favorite content without compromising on speed, and say goodbye to the frustration of a sluggish YouTube experience.

  • Morbi viverra metus et nisi vehicula

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam efficitur augue ac lobortis fringilla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent in tortor a ipsum tempor pretium eget sed mi. Fusce vel leo lacus. Morbi viverra metus et nisi vehicula, sed suscipit est bibendum. Proin id maximus lectus, non luctus felis. Aenean consectetur sem ipsum, id maximus justo blandit sit amet. Praesent porta dolor neque, a gravida nulla volutpat sit amet.

    Nullam quis sollicitudin metus, commodo bibendum ligula. Morbi accumsan enim et vulputate scelerisque. Vivamus in justo iaculis, volutpat dui eget, auctor ligula. Nullam auctor, felis eget venenatis maximus, nisl diam tempor odio, at fringilla lectus quam sit amet ipsum. Proin facilisis placerat lacus, ac lacinia dolor vehicula ut. Integer urna tortor, sollicitudin non mauris vel, ornare vestibulum neque. Sed sit amet massa elementum, fermentum neque eu, ultrices erat. Sed tincidunt augue arcu, et consectetur sem convallis a.

    Nam ullamcorper efficitur dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras tellus metus, fermentum sit amet mi at, ullamcorper maximus erat. Nam congue egestas libero at euismod. Fusce est nisl, vulputate ut convallis id, hendrerit nec arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla diam est, feugiat non justo at, semper eleifend orci. Quisque scelerisque placerat sapien at rhoncus. Donec condimentum ex at massa bibendum, ut imperdiet nibh mollis. Sed faucibus at neque sollicitudin facilisis. Cras interdum, nunc vel pharetra vulputate, justo magna hendrerit orci, a vestibulum tortor nisl eu libero. Nulla blandit accumsan purus, nec dictum ante.

    Donec vehicula vitae justo vel malesuada. Morbi eget facilisis quam. Ut iaculis sapien vel metus mattis, ut consectetur libero facilisis. Morbi neque mi, ornare at urna nec, imperdiet imperdiet neque. Fusce finibus odio sed leo scelerisque sollicitudin. Suspendisse eu mattis lorem. Sed ut suscipit magna, et interdum orci.

    Pellentesque auctor auctor molestie. Vivamus egestas hendrerit urna, sit amet auctor mauris pharetra sed. Mauris ac pharetra sapien. Duis gravida placerat arcu in rhoncus. Donec porttitor mi nec justo venenatis venenatis. Fusce suscipit pellentesque enim ac porttitor. Nulla tincidunt lacinia nisi vel imperdiet. Aliquam quis elit eget nunc pulvinar imperdiet. Nam posuere odio enim, vitae porta ex commodo non. Nunc dignissim massa nulla, gravida semper odio malesuada vel. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut risus a turpis blandit scelerisque ut ut quam. Integer vulputate ac ligula sed consectetur.

  • Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem 

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam efficitur augue ac lobortis fringilla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent in tortor a ipsum tempor pretium eget sed mi. Fusce vel leo lacus. Morbi viverra metus et nisi vehicula, sed suscipit est bibendum. Proin id maximus lectus, non luctus felis. Aenean consectetur sem ipsum, id maximus justo blandit sit amet. Praesent porta dolor neque, a gravida nulla volutpat sit amet.

    Nullam quis sollicitudin metus, commodo bibendum ligula. Morbi accumsan enim et vulputate scelerisque. Vivamus in justo iaculis, volutpat dui eget, auctor ligula. Nullam auctor, felis eget venenatis maximus, nisl diam tempor odio, at fringilla lectus quam sit amet ipsum. Proin facilisis placerat lacus, ac lacinia dolor vehicula ut. Integer urna tortor, sollicitudin non mauris vel, ornare vestibulum neque. Sed sit amet massa elementum, fermentum neque eu, ultrices erat. Sed tincidunt augue arcu, et consectetur sem convallis a.

    Nam ullamcorper efficitur dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras tellus metus, fermentum sit amet mi at, ullamcorper maximus erat. Nam congue egestas libero at euismod. Fusce est nisl, vulputate ut convallis id, hendrerit nec arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla diam est, feugiat non justo at, semper eleifend orci. Quisque scelerisque placerat sapien at rhoncus. Donec condimentum ex at massa bibendum, ut imperdiet nibh mollis. Sed faucibus at neque sollicitudin facilisis. Cras interdum, nunc vel pharetra vulputate, justo magna hendrerit orci, a vestibulum tortor nisl eu libero. Nulla blandit accumsan purus, nec dictum ante.

    Donec vehicula vitae justo vel malesuada. Morbi eget facilisis quam. Ut iaculis sapien vel metus mattis, ut consectetur libero facilisis. Morbi neque mi, ornare at urna nec, imperdiet imperdiet neque. Fusce finibus odio sed leo scelerisque sollicitudin. Suspendisse eu mattis lorem. Sed ut suscipit magna, et interdum orci.

    Pellentesque auctor auctor molestie. Vivamus egestas hendrerit urna, sit amet auctor mauris pharetra sed. Mauris ac pharetra sapien. Duis gravida placerat arcu in rhoncus. Donec porttitor mi nec justo venenatis venenatis. Fusce suscipit pellentesque enim ac porttitor. Nulla tincidunt lacinia nisi vel imperdiet. Aliquam quis elit eget nunc pulvinar imperdiet. Nam posuere odio enim, vitae porta ex commodo non. Nunc dignissim massa nulla, gravida semper odio malesuada vel. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut risus a turpis blandit scelerisque ut ut quam. Integer vulputate ac ligula sed consectetur.

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